unit BmpShape; { 2002/08/22 by ultrared 根据BMP文件创建窗口 注意: 1. BMP文件最左上的一个点颜色作为背景色 2. BmpShape控件只能用在TForm容器上 3. BMP文件可以是256色或者24位色 4。大块背景色必须和背景色绝对相等才能获得正常效果 } interface
uses Forms,Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, ExtCtrls,Graphics;
type TBmpShape = class(TImage) private { Private declarations } BackColor:TColor;//背景颜色 FColorDither:boolean;//是否允许背景颜色有一定的抖动 function GetRegion:HRGN;//前景图片的区域 procedure setColorDither(cd:Boolean); protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent);override; procedure Apply;//使用效果 published { Published declarations } property Dither:Boolean read FColorDither write setColorDither; end;
procedure Register;
procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TBmpShape]); end;
procedure TBmpShape.setColorDither(cd:Boolean); begin if cd<>FColorDither then FColorDither:=cd; end;
constructor TBmpShape.Create(AOwner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); BackColor:=RGB(0,0,0); FColorDither:=FALSE; end;
//核心子程序,获得BMP图片的前景区域 function TBmpShape.GetRegion:HRGN; var i,j:integer; rgn1,rgn2:HRGN; StartY:integer; r,g,b,r1,g1,b1:BYTE; cc:TColor; begin if Picture.Bitmap<>nil then begin BackColor:=Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0,0]; rgn1:=CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0); for i:=0 to Picture.Bitmap.Width-1 do begin StartY:=-1; for j:=0 to Picture.Bitmap.Height-1 do begin cc:=Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[i,j]; if FColorDither then begin //允许和背景有一定的色差 r:=(cc and $FF0000) shr 16; g:=(cc and $FF00) shr 8; b:=cc and $FF; r1:=(BackColor and $FF0000) shr 16; g1:=(BackColor and $FF00) shr 8; b1:=BackColor and $FF; if (abs(r-r1)<10) and (abs(g-g1)<10) and (abs(b-b1)<10) then begin if (StartY>=0) and (j>=StartY) then begin rgn2:=CreateRectRgn(i,StartY,i+1,j); CombineRgn(rgn1,rgn1,rgn2,RGN_OR); StartY:=-1; end; end else begin if Starty<0 then StartY:=j else if j=(Picture.Bitmap.Height-1) then //最下面一个点 begin rgn2:=CreateRectRgn(i,StartY,i+1,j); CombineRgn(rgn1,rgn1,rgn2,RGN_OR); end; end; end else //不允许色差 begin if cc=BackColor then begin if (StartY>=0) and (j>=StartY) then begin rgn2:=CreateRectRgn(i,StartY,i+1,j); CombineRgn(rgn1,rgn1,rgn2,RGN_OR); StartY:=-1; end; end else begin if Starty<0 then StartY:=j else if j=(Picture.Bitmap.Height-1) then //最下面一个点 begin rgn2:=CreateRectRgn(i,StartY,i+1,j); CombineRgn(rgn1,rgn1,rgn2,RGN_OR); end; end; end; end; end; result:=rgn1; end else result:=0; end;
procedure TBmpShape.Apply; begin if Parent is TForm then begin Left:=0; Top:=0; Width:=Picture.Bitmap.Width; Height:=Picture.Bitmap.Height; with (Parent as Tform) do begin BorderStyle:=bsNone; Width:=Self.Width; Height:=Self.Height; end; SetWindowRgn(Parent.Handle,GetRegion,FALSE); end; end;
end. |