1. 调用TObjectList<T>.Create(ownsObjects: Boolean)创建列表后可能报AV异常。
type TPerson = class end; var list: TObjectList<TPerson>; bob: TPerson; begin list := TObjectList<TPerson>.Create(False); bob := TPerson.Create; try if list.IndexOf(bob) = -1 then // Access Violation 异常 begin end; finally bob.Free; list.Free; end; end;
constructor TObjectList<T>.Create(AOwnsObjects: Boolean); begin inherited; FOwnsObjects := AOwnsObjects; end;
constructor TList<T>.Create; begin Create(TComparer<T>.Default); end;
现在我肯定TList<T>.Create是正确的。那问题应该出在TObjectList.Create里面。(大家知道Bug在哪里了吗?) 仔细看看inherited这句代码,难道是因为后面没带标识符(identifier)吗? 我们先来看看Delphi的帮助文档:
When inherited has no identifier after it, it refers to the inherited method with the same name as the enclosing method or, if the enclosing method is a message handler, to the inherited message handler for the same message. In this case, inherited takes no explicit parameters, but passes to the inherited method the same parameters with which the enclosing method was called. For example,
occurs frequently in the implementation of constructors. It calls the inherited constructor with the same parameters that were passed to the descendant.
program TestInherited; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Dialogs; type TBase = class public procedure Call(value: Integer); overload; procedure Call(const value: string); overload; end; TDerived = class(TBase) public procedure Call(value: Boolean = False); overload; end; { TBase } procedure TBase.Call(value: Integer); begin ShowMessage('Integer'); end; procedure TBase.Call(const value: string); begin ShowMessage('string'); end; { TDerived } procedure TDerived.Call(value: Boolean); begin inherited; { do nothing } end; begin try example := TDerived.Create; try example.Call; { do nothing } finally example.Free; end; except on E:Exception do Writeln(E.Classname, ': ', E.Message); end; end.
编译通过了,运行一下,发现它根本没有调用父类的方法(这也在预料之中)。那么如果TBase只有一个Call方法会怎么样呢?我们发现编译器会提示编译错误:“Incompatible types”。原因终于找到了,原来编译器碰到父类有多个同名重载函数的情况,采用的方法竟然是不执行。这点也可以从下图中得到证明:
600) this.width = 600;">
另外,我去Delphi 7下编译也是相同的结果。说明这个特性是和编译器版本无关的。
2. 第二个Bug就比较离谱了:
我在使用for-in语句遍历TObjectDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Values时居然报AV错误。追踪了代码才发现迭代的次数居然多于Values.Count!找到了源码看看:
function TDictionary<TKey,TValue>.TValueEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean; begin while FIndex < Length(FDictionary.FItems) do begin Inc(FIndex); if FDictionary.FItems[FIndex].HashCode <> 0 then Exit(True); end; Result := False; end;
function TDictionary<TKey,TValue>.TPairEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean; begin while FIndex < Length(FDictionary.FItems) do begin Inc(FIndex); if FDictionary.FItems[FIndex].HashCode <> 0 then Exit(True); end; Result := False; end;
function TDictionary<TKey,TValue>.TKeyEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean; begin while FIndex < Length(FDictionary.FItems) do begin Inc(FIndex); if FDictionary.FItems[FIndex].HashCode <> 0 then Exit(True); end; Result := False; end;
3. 修正方法
#1. 将1679行 ”inherited;”改为: inherited Create;
#2. 修改三处(第1596行、第1631行、第1666行)“while FIndex < Length(FDictionary.FItems) do”为
while FIndex < Length(FDictionary.FItems) - 1 do
[2009-04-19 更新]:上述BUG应该会在Delphi 2009 Update 3中修正