·Native access to Excel files. The user doesn't need to have Excel, or any other software installed. 不需要安装Excel即可读写Excel格式文件. ·XLSReadWriteII works as an invisible Excel workbook. All cell values are always accessible. 所有Excel工作簿,单元格可操作. ·Stability. One of the major goals with version 3.0 was to create a product that won't corrupt the Excel files and won't alter any data in the file. 很稳定. ·XLSReadWriteII is easy to use. With the new formatting interface in version 3.0, you can format cells through a cell object. 很易用. ·Fast and efficient support when you have any questions. 速度还不错. ·No runtime fees for the component. 不附带运行期文件. ·Full source code included. 完整代码. ·We released the first version of XLSReadWrite in 1998. At that time it was the only component that could read and write Excel 97+ files. We are commited to have the leading Excel solution for Delphi in the future as well. 1998年早就开始写此组件的第一版本,其他翻译略...