function GetSubStr(Str : string; index : integer):string; // procedure StrToUser(str : string; var FUser : TVCLUser); // function UserToStr(FUser : TVCLUser): string; function StrBinToStr(strbin: string): string; //二进制转为字串 function StrToStrBin(str: string): string; //字串转为二进制 //////////几个字串转换函数////////// //////////新定义////////// //写入 function mMove(i : integer):string;overload; function mMove(i : int64):string;overload; function mMove(i : boolean):string;Overload; function mMove(i : Word):string;Overload; function mMove(i : Byte):string;Overload; function mMove(p : Pchar; Size: integer): string;Overload; //读出 procedure mMove(var i : integer; var Source: string);overload; procedure mMove(var i : int64; var Source: string);overload; procedure mMove(var i : boolean; var Source: string);overload; procedure mMove(var i : Word; var Source: string);overload; procedure mMove(var i : Byte; var Source: string);overload; function InputBoxEx(const ACaption, APrompt, ADefault: string): string; function MaskForm(const imask : Byte): Byte;
function slash(value:string):string; {ensures that value has '\' as last character (for directory strings)}
function capfirst(value:string):string; {Capitalise first character of each word, lowercase remaining chars} {example: capfirst('bOrLANd delPHi FOR windOWs') = 'Borland Delphi For Windows'}
function striptags(value:string):string; {strip HTML tags from value} {example: striptags('<TR><TD Align="center">Hello World</TD>') = 'Hello World'}
function replace(str,s1,s2:string;casesensitive:boolean):string; {replace all incidences of s1 in str with s2} {example: replace('We know what we want','we','I',false) = 'I Know what I want'}
function CopyFromChar(s:string;c:char;l:integer):string; {copy l characters from string s starting at first incidence of c} {example: Copyfromchar('Borland Delphi','a',3) = 'and'}
{========== System Utils ==========} function getwinsysdir:string; {returns Windows System Path (inc drive)} {example: getwinsysdir = 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\'}
function getwindir:string; {returns windows directory path (inc Drive)} {example: getwindir = 'C:\WINDOWS\'}
function getinstalldir:string; {returns install directory of EXE using this library} {example: getinstalldir = 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\BORLAND\DELPHI\DEMOS\'}
function getregvalue(root:integer;key,value:string):string; {reads a registry value} {example: getregvalue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'network\logon\','username') = 'Eddie Bond'}
function getfiledate(filename:string):Tdatetime; {returns a file's date in TDateTime format}
{========== Arithmetic Utils ==========}
function StrToFloatDef(const s:string;def:Extended):Extended; {converts S into a number. If S is invalid, returns the number passed in Def.} {example: strtofloatdef('$10.25',0) = 0}
function VolSphere(radius:single):extended; {volume of sphere of given radius}
function AreaSphere(radius:single):extended; {surface area of sphere of given radius}
function VolCylinder(radius,height:single):extended; {volume of cylinder of given radius and height}
function AreaCylinder(radius,height:single):extended; {surface area of cylinder of given radius and height}
function MinExt(const A:array of Extended):Extended; {returns minimum value of an array of extended}
function MaxExt(const A:array of Extended):Extended; {returns maximum value of an array of extended}
function MinInteger(const A:array of Integer):Integer; {returns minimum value of an array of integers}
function MaxInteger(const A:array of integer):Integer; {returns maximum value of an array of integers}
function InverseSum(const a:array of single):single; {solves formulae of type 1/r = 1/a + 1/b +...1/n (eg electrical resistance in parallel)}
{========== Financial Utils ==========}
function MarkUp(profit:single):single; {returns markup percentage required to return a profit of profit percent} {example: MarkUp(25) = 20 }
function SellingPrice(net:double;markup:single):double; {returns selling price after adding markup percent to net} {example: SellingPrice(199.50,22.5) = 244.3875}
function NetPrice(gross:double;taxrate:single):double; {returns the net value of an item of gross value containing tax at taxrate percent} {example: NetPrice(199.99,17.5) = 170.204255319149} //////////新的字符串涵 数收集////////// //==========系统路径==========// Function GetApplicationExeName: string; Function GetApplicationShortExeName: string; Function GetWindowsDir: string; //c:\winnt Function GetSystemDir: string; //c:\winnt\system32 Function GetTempDir: string; //应用程序的路径 如D:/winnt/temp Function GetApplicationPath:String; //应用程序的路径 如D:/feng/ Function GetApplicationDir:String; //应用程序的路径 如D:/feng Function GetCurrentDir: string; //应用程序的路径 如D:/feng function GetProgramsDir: string;//程序组目录 function GetMy_DocumentsDir: string;//我的文档 //如C:\My Documents function GetFavoritesDir: string; function GetSystemFolderDir(mFolder: Integer): string; //==========系统路径==========// var vModuleVersionInfomation: TFileVersionInfomation;
uses Math;
function IsFocusd(mHandle: THandle): Boolean; var vHandle: THandle; begin vHandle := GetFocus; while (mHandle <> vHandle) and (vHandle <> 0) do vHandle := GetParent(vHandle); Result := mHandle = vHandle; end;
function StrToSet(mStr: string): TSysCharSet; var I: Integer; begin Result := []; for I := 1 to Length(mStr) do Include(Result, mStr[I]); end; { StrToSet }
function HexToStr(mHex: string): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := '; for I := 1 to Length(mHex) div 2 do Result := Result + Chr(StrToIntDef('$' + Copy(mHex, I * 2 - 1, 2), 0)); end; { HexToStr }
function StrToHex(mStr: string): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := '; for I := 1 to Length(mStr) do Result := Format('%s%.2x', [Result, Ord(mStr[I])]); end; { StrToHex }
function StrLeft(const mStr: string; mDelimiter: string): string; { 返回左分隔字符串 } begin Result := Copy(mStr, 1, Pos(mDelimiter, mStr) - 1); end; { StrLeft }
function StrRight(const mStr: string; mDelimiter: string): string; begin if Pos(mDelimiter, mStr) > 0 then Result := Copy(mStr, Pos(mDelimiter, mStr) + Length(mDelimiter), MaxInt) else Result := '; end; { StrRight }
function ListCount(mList: string; mDelimiter: string = ','): Integer; { 返回列表数 } var I, L: Integer; begin Result := 0; if mList = ' then Exit; L := Length(mList); I := Pos(mDelimiter, mList); while I > 0 do begin mList := Copy(mList, I + Length(mDelimiter), L); I := Pos(mDelimiter, mList); Inc(Result); end; Inc(Result); end; { ListCount }
function ListValue(mList: string; mIndex: Integer; mDelimiter: string = ','): string; { 返回列表指定位置的元素 } var I, L, K: Integer; begin L := Length(mList); I := Pos(mDelimiter, mList); K := 0; Result := '; while (I > 0) and (K <> mIndex) do begin mList := Copy(mList, I + Length(mDelimiter), L); I := Pos(mDelimiter, mList); Inc(K); end; if K = mIndex then Result := StrLeft(mList + mDelimiter, mDelimiter); end; { ListValue }
function SubStrConut(mStr: string; mSub: string): Integer; { 返回子字符串出现的次数 } begin Result := Length(mStr) - Length(StringReplace(mStr, mSub, ', [rfReplaceAll])); end; { SubStrConut }
function WideStringToLines(mStr: WideString): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := '; for I := 1 to Length(mStr) do Result := Result + #13#10 + mStr[I]; Delete(Result, 1, 2); end; { WideStringToLines }
function StringToDisplay(mString: string): string; var I: Integer; S: string; begin Result := '; S := '; for I := 1 to Length(mString) do if mString[I] in [#32..#127] then S := S + mString[I] else begin if S <> ' then begin Result := Result + QuotedStr(S); S := '; end; Result := Result + Format('#$%x', [Ord(mString[I])]); end; if S <> ' then Result := Result + QuotedStr(S); end; { StringToDisplay }
function DisplayToString(mDisplay: string): string; var I: Integer; S: string; B: Boolean; begin Result := '; B := False; mDisplay := mDisplay; for I := 1 to Length(mDisplay) do if B then case mDisplay[I] of '': begin if S <> ' then Result := Result + StringReplace(S, ''', '', [rfReplaceAll]); if Copy(mDisplay, I + 1, 1) = '' then Result := Result + ''; S := '; B := False; end; else S := S + mDisplay[I]; end else case mDisplay[I] of '#', '': begin if S <> ' then Result := Result + Chr(StrToIntDef(S, 0)); S := '; B := mDisplay[I] = ''; end; '$', '0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F': S := S + mDisplay[I]; end; if (not B) and (S <> ') then Result := Result + Chr(StrToIntDef(S, 0)); end; { DisplayToString }
function GetFileVersionInfomation(mFileName: TFileName; var nFileVersionInfomation: TFileVersionInfomation; mDefineName: string = '): Boolean; var vHandle: Cardinal; vInfoSize: Cardinal; vVersionInfo: Pointer; vTranslation: Pointer; vVersionValue: string; vInfoPointer: Pointer; begin Result := False; vInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(mFileName), vHandle); //取得文件版本信息空间及资源句柄 FillChar(nFileVersionInfomation, SizeOf(nFileVersionInfomation), 0); //初始化返回信息 if vInfoSize <= 0 then Exit; //安全检查
GetMem(vVersionInfo, vInfoSize); //分配资源 with nFileVersionInfomation do try if not GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(mFileName), vHandle, vInfoSize, vVersionInfo) then Exit; VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, '\VarFileInfo\Translation', vTranslation, vInfoSize); vVersionValue := Format('\StringFileInfo\%.4x%.4x\', [LOWORD(Longint(vTranslation^)), HIWORD(Longint(vTranslation^))]); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'CompanyName'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rCommpanyName := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'FileDescription'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rFileDescription := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'FileVersion'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rFileVersion := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'InternalName'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rInternalName := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'LegalCopyright'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rLegalCopyright := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'LegalTrademarks'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rLegalTrademarks := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'OriginalFileName'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rOriginalFileName := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'ProductName'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rProductName := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'ProductVersion'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rProductVersion := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + 'Comments'), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rComments := PChar(vInfoPointer); VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, '\', vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rVsFixedFileInfo := TVSFixedFileInfo(vInfoPointer^); if mDefineName <> ' then begin VerQueryValue(vVersionInfo, PChar(vVersionValue + mDefineName), vInfoPointer, vInfoSize); rDefineValue := PChar(vInfoPointer); end else rDefineValue := '; finally FreeMem(vVersionInfo, vInfoSize); end; Result := True; end; { GetFileVersionInfomation } //=======Begin 位图翻转函数 function Turnbmp(mSource: TBitmap; Rotate: integer): Boolean; begin Result := false; case Rotate of 1: if BitmapRotate90(mSource) then Result := true; // 2: if BitmapRotate180(mSource) then Result := true; 3: if BitmapRotate270(mSource) then Result := true; end; end;
function Turnbmp1(mSource: TBitmap; Rotate: integer): Boolean; begin Result := false; case Rotate of 1: if BitmapRotate90(mSource) then Result := true; 2: if BitmapRotate180(mSource) then Result := true; 3: if BitmapRotate270(mSource) then Result := true; end; end;
function BitmapRotate90(mSource: TBitmap): Boolean; var I, J, BITS, SIZE: Integer; A: PByteArray; ms :TMemoryStream; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(mSource) then Exit; case mSource.PixelFormat of pf8bit : BITS := 1; pf16bit: BITS := 2; pf24bit: BITS := 3; pf32bit: BITS := 4; else Exit; end; SIZE := mSource.Width; ms := TMemoryStream.Create; try for I := 0 to mSource.Height - 1 do begin A := mSource.ScanLine[I]; ms.WriteBuffer(A^,SIZE * BITS); end; ms.Position := 0; mSource.Width := mSource.Height; mSource.Height := SIZE; for J := (mSource.Width - 1) downto 0 do for I := 0 to mSource.Height - 1 do begin A := mSource.ScanLine[I]; ms.ReadBuffer(A[J * BITS], BITS); end; finally ms.Free; end; Result := True; end; { BitmapRotate90 }
function BitmapRotate180(mSource: TBitmap): Boolean; var I, J, BITS, SIZE: Integer; A: PByteArray; ms :TMemoryStream; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(mSource) then Exit; case mSource.PixelFormat of pf8bit : BITS := 1; pf16bit: BITS := 2; pf24bit: BITS := 3; pf32bit: BITS := 4; else Exit; end; SIZE := mSource.Width; ms := TMemoryStream.Create; try for I := 0 to mSource.Height - 1 do begin A := mSource.ScanLine[I]; ms.WriteBuffer(A^,SIZE * BITS); end; ms.Position := 0; for I := (mSource.Height - 1) downto 0 do begin A := mSource.ScanLine[I]; for J := (mSource.Width - 1) downto 0 do ms.ReadBuffer(A[J * BITS], BITS); end; finally; end; Result := True; end; { BitmapRotate180 }
function BitmapRotate270(mSource: TBitmap): Boolean; var I, J, BITS, SIZE: Integer; A: PByteArray; ms :TMemoryStream; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(mSource) then Exit; case mSource.PixelFormat of pf8bit : BITS := 1; pf16bit: BITS := 2; pf24bit: BITS := 3; pf32bit: BITS := 4; else Exit; end; SIZE := mSource.Width; ms := TMemoryStream.Create; try for I := 0 to mSource.Height - 1 do begin A := mSource.ScanLine[I]; ms.WriteBuffer(A^,SIZE * BITS); end; ms.Position := 0; mSource.Width := mSource.Height; mSource.Height := SIZE; for J := 0 to mSource.Width - 1 do for I := (mSource.Height - 1) downto 0 do begin A := mSource.ScanLine[I]; ms.ReadBuffer(A[J * BITS], BITS); end; finally ms.Free; end; Result := True; end; { BitmapRotate270 } //=======End 位图翻转函数 function StrBinToStr(strbin: string): string; //二进制转为字串 var c: byte; i,bindex: integer; str : string; begin str := '; c := $0; i := Length(strbin) mod 8; if i <> 0 then for bindex := 1 to 8-i do strbin := strbin + '0'; bindex := 1; for i := 1 to Length(strbin) do begin if bindex > 8 then begin str := str + Char(c); c := $0; bindex := 1; end; c := byte(c shl 1); if strbin[i] = '1' then c:= c or $1; Inc(bindex); end; if bindex <> 1 then str := str + Char(c); Result := str; end; function StrToStrBin(str: string): string; //字串转为二进制 var i, j: integer; binstr: string; c : Byte; begin binstr := '; for i := 1 to Length(str) do begin c:= Byte(str[i]); for j := 1 to 8 do begin if (c and $80) <> $00 then binstr:= binstr + '1' else binstr := binstr + '0'; c := Byte(c shl 1); end end; Result := binstr; end;
procedure RGBtoHSL(R,G,B:Integer;var H,S,L:Integer); var Delta : Double; CMax,CMin : Double; Red,Green,Blue,Hue,Sat,Lum : Double; begin Red := R/255; Green := G/255; Blue := B/255; CMax := Max(Red,Max(Green,Blue)); CMin := Min(Red,Min(Green,Blue)); Lum := (CMax+CMin)/2; if CMax = CMin then begin Sat := 0; Hue := 0; end else begin if Lum < 0.5 then Sat := (CMax-CMin)/(CMax+CMin) else Sat := (cmax-cmin)/(2-cmax-cmin); delta := CMax-CMin; If Red = CMax then Hue := (Green-Blue)/Delta else if Green = CMax then Hue := 2+(Blue-Red)/Delta else Hue := 4.0+(Red-Green)/Delta; Hue := Hue / 6; If Hue < 0 then Hue := Hue + 1; end; H := Round(Hue*360); S := Round(Sat*100); L := Round(Lum*100); end;
procedure HSLtoRGB(H,S,L:Integer;var R,G,B:Integer); var Sat,Lum : Double; begin R := 0; G := 0; B := 0; if (H < 360) and (H >= 0) and (S <= 100) and (S >= 0) and (L <= 100) and (L >= 0) then begin if H <=60 then begin R := 255; G := Round((255/60)*H); B := 0; end else if H <=120 then begin R := Round(255-(255/60)*(H-60)); G := 255; B := 0; end else if H <=180 then begin R := 0; G := 255; B := Round((255/60)*(H-120)); end else if H <=240 then begin R := 0; G := Round(255-(255/60)*(H-180)); B := 255; end else if H <=300 then begin R := Round((255/60)*(H-240)); G := 0; B := 255; end else if H <360 then begin R := 255; G := 0; B := Round(255-(255/60)*(H-300)); end;
Sat := Abs((S-100)/100); R := Round(R-((R-128)*Sat)); G := Round(G-((G-128)*Sat)); B := Round(B-((B-128)*Sat));
Lum := (L-50)/50; if Lum > 0 then begin R := Round(R+((255-R)*Lum)); G := Round(G+((255-G)*Lum)); B := Round(B+((255-B)*Lum)); end else if Lum < 0 then begin R := Round(R+(R*Lum)); G := Round(G+(G*Lum)); B := Round(B+(B*Lum)); end; end; end;
function GetSubStr(Str : string; index : integer):string; var substr : string; i,j: integer; begin if index <0 then begin Result := '; exit; end; i := 0; substr := str; while i<=index do begin j := Pos(',',substr); if j = 0 then begin if i <>index then substr := '; break end else begin if i = index then substr := copy(substr,1,j-1) else delete(substr,1,j); //删除 Inc(i); end; end; Result := substr; end;
function mMove(i : integer):string; begin SetLength(Result,sizeof(i)); Move(i, Result[1], sizeof(i)); end;
function mMove(i : int64):string; begin SetLength(Result,sizeof(i)); Move(i, Result[1], sizeof(i)); end;
function mMove(i : boolean):string; begin SetLength(Result,sizeof(i)); Move(i, Result[1], sizeof(i)); end; function mMove(i : Word):string; begin SetLength(Result,sizeof(i)); Move(i, Result[1], sizeof(i)); end;
function mMove(i : Byte):string; begin SetLength(Result,sizeof(i)); Move(i, Result[1], sizeof(i)); end;
function mMove(p : Pchar; Size: integer): string; begin SetLength(Result,size); Move(p[0], Result[1], size); end; procedure mMove(var i : integer;var Source: string); begin Move(Source[1],i,sizeof(i)); delete(Source,1,sizeof(i)); end;
procedure mMove(var i : int64; var Source: string); begin Move(Source[1],i,sizeof(i)); delete(Source,1,sizeof(i)); end;
procedure mMove(var i : boolean; var Source: string); begin Move(Source[1],i,sizeof(i)); delete(Source,1,sizeof(i)); end;
procedure mMove(var i : Word; var Source: string); begin Move(Source[1],i,sizeof(i)); delete(Source,1,sizeof(i)); end;
procedure mMove(var i : Byte; var Source: string); begin Move(Source[1],i,sizeof(i)); delete(Source,1,sizeof(i)); end;
procedure StrToIntStr(var Data: string); //字串转整数 var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to Length(Data) do Data[i] := Chr(Byte(Data[i])- 48); end;
function GetAveCharSize(Canvas: TCanvas): TPoint; var I: Integer; Buffer: array[0..51] of Char; begin for I := 0 to 25 do Buffer[I] := Chr(I + Ord('A')); for I := 0 to 25 do Buffer[I + 26] := Chr(I + Ord('a')); GetTextExtentPoint(Canvas.Handle, Buffer, 52, TSize(Result)); Result.X := Result.X div 52; end;
var ModalResults: array[TMsgDlgBtn] of Integer = ( mrYes, mrNo, mrOk, mrCancel, mrAbort, mrRetry, mrIgnore, mrAll, mrNoToAll, mrYesToAll, 0);
function MaskForm(const imask : Byte): Byte; var Form: TForm; cbSys: TCheckBox; cbFont: TCheckBox; cbFace: TCheckBox; Button: TButton; begin Result := 0; Form := TForm.Create(Application); with Form do try Font.Name := '宋体'; Font.Size := 9; Canvas.Font := Font; BorderStyle := bsDialog; Caption := '屏蔽设置'; Position := poScreenCenter; Width := 257; Height := 145; cbSys := TcheckBox.Create(Form); with cbSys do begin parent := Form; Left := 24; Top := 24; Caption := '屏蔽系统信息'; ParentFont := true; if Bool(imask and $01) then Checked := true; end; cbFont := TcheckBox.Create(Form); with cbFont do begin parent := Form; Left := 136; Top := 24; Caption := '屏蔽字体设置'; ParentFont := true; if Bool(imask and $02) then Checked := true; end; cbFace:= TCheckBox.Create(Form); with cbFace do begin parent := Form; Left := 24; Top := 56; Caption := '屏蔽聊天表情'; ParentFont := true; if Bool(imask and $04) then Checked := true; end; Button:= TButton.Create(Form); with TButton.Create(Form) do begin Parent := Form; Caption := '确定'; ModalResult := mrOk; Default := True; Left := (parent.Width - Width) div 2; Top := parent.ClientHeight - Height - 10; end; if ShowModal = mrOk then begin if cbSys.Checked then Result := 1; if cbFont.Checked then Inc(Result,2); if cbFace.Checked then Inc(Result,4); end; finally Form.Free; end; end;
function InputBoxEx(const ACaption, APrompt, ADefault: string): string; var Form: TForm; Prompt: TLabel; Edit: TEdit; DialogUnits: TPoint; ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight: Integer; begin Result := ADefault;
Form := TForm.Create(Application); with Form do try Font.Name := '宋体'; Font.Size := 9; Canvas.Font := Font; DialogUnits := GetAveCharSize(Canvas); BorderStyle := bsDialog; Caption := ACaption; ClientWidth := MulDiv(180, DialogUnits.X, 4); Position := poScreenCenter; Prompt := TLabel.Create(Form); with Prompt do begin Parent := Form; Caption := APrompt; Left := MulDiv(8, DialogUnits.X, 4); Top := MulDiv(8, DialogUnits.Y, 8); Constraints.MaxWidth := MulDiv(164, DialogUnits.X, 4); WordWrap := True; end; Edit := TEdit.Create(Form); with Edit do begin Parent := Form; Left := Prompt.Left; Top := Prompt.Top + Prompt.Height + 5; Width := MulDiv(164, DialogUnits.X, 4); MaxLength := 255; Text := Result; SelectAll; end; ButtonTop := Edit.Top + Edit.Height + 15; ButtonWidth := MulDiv(50, DialogUnits.X, 4); ButtonHeight := MulDiv(14, DialogUnits.Y, 8); with TButton.Create(Form) do begin Parent := Form; Caption := '确定'; ModalResult := mrOk; Default := True; SetBounds(MulDiv(38, DialogUnits.X, 4), ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); end; with TButton.Create(Form) do begin Parent := Form; Caption := '取消'; ModalResult := mrCancel; Cancel := True; SetBounds(MulDiv(92, DialogUnits.X, 4), Edit.Top + Edit.Height + 15, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); Form.ClientHeight := Top + Height + 13; end; if ShowModal = mrOk then begin Result := Edit.Text; end; finally Form.Free; end; end; //**********显示数字于一个框内start**********//
procedure DrawSegment(Canvas: TCanvas; dSegNum : Integer;const SegmentRect : TRect); const cBorderGap = 1; //边界宽度 cSegmentThickness = 2; //每个线条宽度 cHorzMargine = 1; //水平线条边界缩进 cVertMargine = 1; //竖直线条边界缩进 var Ht,Lt,Rt,Tp,Bt,VertCentre, SegHalf : Integer; fPoints : array [1..6] of TPoint; begin Ht := SegmentRect.Bottom - SegmentRect.Top; Lt := SegmentRect.Left+cBorderGap; Rt := SegmentRect.Right-cBorderGap - 1 - (cSegmentThickness * 2); //move in a seg and a half Tp := SegmentRect.Top+cBorderGap; Bt := Ht-cBorderGap-1 + SegmentRect.Top;
VertCentre := ((Bt - Tp) div 2); SegHalf := (cSegmentThickness div 2);
case dSegNum of 0 : begin fPoints[1].x := Rt + cSegmentThickness{SegHalf}; fPoints[1].y := Bt - (VertCentre div 2);// - (cSegmentThickness * 2);
function Padr(s : String;numPad : Integer) : String; var i,l : Integer; begin Result := '; l := numPad-Length(s); for i := 1 to l do Result := Result+' '; Result := Result + s; end;
procedure DrawSegments(Canvas: TCanvas; dSegment : TCharSegment;SegmentRect : TRect); var i : Byte; begin for i := 0 to 7 do if (byte(i) in dSegment) then DrawSegment(Canvas,i,SegmentRect); end; { 3 -- 4| 1 |2 -- 5| |7 -- * 0 6 }
for i := 1 to Length(s) do begin MakeSegments(s[i],MySeg); MyRect.Top := mRect.Top; MyRect.Bottom := mRect.Bottom; MyRect.Left := mRect.Left + (xPos)*cSize; MyRect.Right:= MyRect.Left+cSize; DrawSegments(Canvas,MySeg,MyRect); Inc(xPos); end; Canvas.Pen.Color := clFront; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBack; end; //**********显示数字于一个框内start**********//
function GetColorA(chint : boolean; vcolor : Tcolor) : TColor ; //改变阴影的函数 var r,g,b,H,S,L : integer; fcolor : TColor; begin fColor := ColorToRGB(vcolor); b := GetBValue(fColor); g := GetGValue(fColor); r := GetRValue(fColor); RGBtoHSL(r,g,b,h,s,l); if chint then l := l + 15 else l := l - 15; HSLtoRGB(h,s,l,r,g,b); ReSult := RGB(r,g,b); end;
function GetColor(chint : boolean; vcolor : Tcolor) : TColor ; //改变阴影的函数 var r,g,b,H,S,L : integer; fcolor : TColor; begin fColor := ColorToRGB(vcolor); b := GetBValue(fColor); g := GetGValue(fColor); r := GetRValue(fColor); RGBtoHSL(r,g,b,h,s,l); if chint then l := l + 35 else l := l - 35; HSLtoRGB(h,s,l,r,g,b); ReSult := RGB(r,g,b); end;
var vBuffer: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; //////////快速字符串//////////
const cDeltaSize = 1.5;
var GUpcaseTable : array[0..255] of char; GUpcaseLUT: Pointer;
//NOTE : FastCharPos and FastCharPosNoCase do not require you to pass the length // of the string, this was only done in FastPos and FastPosNoCase because // they are used by FastReplace many times over, thus saving a LENGTH() // operation each time. I can't see you using these two routines for the // same purposes so I didn't do that this time ! function FastCharPos(const aSource : String; const C: Char; StartPos : Integer) : Integer; var L : Integer; begin //If this assert failed, it is because you passed 0 for StartPos, lowest value is 1 !! Assert(StartPos > 0);
Result := 0; L := Length(aSource); if L = 0 then exit; if StartPos > L then exit; Dec(StartPos); asm PUSH EDI //Preserve this register
mov EDI, aSource //Point EDI at aSource add EDI, StartPos mov ECX, L //Make a note of how many chars to search through sub ECX, StartPos mov AL, C //and which char we want @Loop: cmp Al, [EDI] //compare it against the SourceString jz @Found inc EDI dec ECX jnz @Loop jmp @NotFound @Found: sub EDI, aSource //EDI has been incremented, so EDI-OrigAdress = Char pos ! inc EDI mov Result, EDI @NotFound:
POP EDI end; end;
function FastCharPosNoCase(const aSource : String; C: Char; StartPos : Integer) : Integer; var L : Integer; begin Result := 0; L := Length(aSource); if L = 0 then exit; if StartPos > L then exit; Dec(StartPos); if StartPos < 0 then StartPos := 0;
asm PUSH EDI //Preserve this register PUSH EBX mov EDX, GUpcaseLUT
mov EDI, aSource //Point EDI at aSource add EDI, StartPos mov ECX, L //Make a note of how many chars to search through sub ECX, StartPos
xor EBX, EBX mov BL, C mov AL, [EDX+EBX] @Loop: mov BL, [EDI] inc EDI cmp Al, [EDX+EBX] jz @Found dec ECX jnz @Loop jmp @NotFound @Found: sub EDI, aSource //EDI has been incremented, so EDI-OrigAdress = Char pos ! mov Result, EDI @NotFound:
POP EBX POP EDI end; end;
function FastmemPos(const aSource, aFind; const aSourceLen, aFindLen : integer) : Pointer; asm push ESI push EDI push EBX
mov ESI, aFind mov EDI, aSource mov ECX, aSourceLen
//Now DEC aSourceLen by aFindLen-1 sub ECX, aFindLen inc ECX
//Get the first char of aFindString, note how it is done outside //of the main loop, as it never changes ! Mov Al, [ESI] jmp @Scasb @FindNext: inc EDI //Done only when returning from CompareStrings dec ECX jz @NotFound
//Now the FindFirstCharacter loop ! @ScaSB: //Get the value of the current character in aSourceString //This is equal to ah := EDI^, that is what the [] are around [EDI] //compare this character with aDestString[1] cmp [EDI], al //If they are equal we compare the strings
jz @CompareStrings inc EDI dec ECX jnz @ScaSB jmp @NotFound
@CompareStrings: //Put the length of aFindLen in EBX mov EBX, aFindLen
@CompareNext: //We DEC EBX to point to the end of the string, ie, we dont //want to add the whole length as this would point past the end of string dec EBX jz @FullMatch
//here is another optimization tip ! //People at this point usually PUSH ESI etc and then POP ESI etc //at the end, instead I opted not to change ESI etc at all. //This saves lots of pushing and popping !
//Get aFindString character + aFindStringLength (the last char) mov Ah, [ESI+EBX]
//Get aSourceString character (current position + aFindStringLength) //Compare them cmp Ah, [EDI+EBX] Jnz @FindNext
Jmp @CompareNext
@FullMatch: //Move the address of the *current* character in EDI //note, we have not altered EDI since the first char was found mov Result, EDI jmp @TheEnd @NotFound: //The substring was not found mov Result, 0
@TheEnd: pop EBX pop EDI pop ESI end;
function FastmemPosNC(const aSource, aFind; const aSourceLen, aFindLen : integer) : Pointer; asm push ESI push EDI push EBX
mov ESI, aFind mov EDI, aSource mov ECX, aSourceLen
//Now DEC aSourceLen by aFindLen-1 sub ECX, aFindLen inc ECX
//Get the first char of aFindString, note how it is done outside //of the main loop, as it never changes ! mov EDX, GUpcaseLUT xor EBX, EBX jmp @FindFirst @FindNext: inc EDI //Done only when returning from CompareStrings dec ECX jz @NotFound @FindFirst: mov Bl, [ESI] mov AL, [EDX+EBX]
//Now the FindFirstCharacter loop ! @ScaSB: //Get the value of the current character in aSourceString //This is equal to ah := EDI^, that is what the [] are around [EDI] //compare this character with aDestString[1] mov Bl, [EDI] cmp Al, [EDX+EBX] //If they are equal we compare the strings
jz @CompareStrings inc EDI dec ECX jnz @ScaSB jmp @NotFound
//The first thing to note here is that I am passing the SourceLength and FindLength //As neither Source or Find will alter at any point during FastReplace there is //no need to call the LENGTH subroutine each time ! function FastPos(const aSourceString, aFindString : String; const aSourceLen, aFindLen, StartPos : Integer) : Integer; begin //If this assert failed, it is because you passed 0 for StartPos, lowest value is 1 !! Assert(StartPos > 0);
Result := Integer(FastmemPos(aSourceString[StartPos], aFindString[1],aSourceLen - (StartPos-1), aFindLen)); if Result > 0 then Result := Result - Integer(@aSourceString[1]) +1; end;
function FastPosNoCase(const aSourceString, aFindString : String; const aSourceLen, aFindLen, StartPos : Integer) : Integer; begin //If this assert failed, it is because you passed 0 for StartPos, lowest value is 1 !! Assert(StartPos > 0);
Result := Integer(FastmemPosNC(aSourceString[StartPos], aFindString[1],aSourceLen - (StartPos-1), aFindLen)); if Result > 0 then Result := Result - Integer(@aSourceString[1]) +1; end;
function FastPosBack(const aSourceString, aFindString : String; const aSourceLen, aFindLen, StartPos : Integer) : Integer; var SourceLen : Integer; begin if aFindLen < 1 then begin Result := 0; exit; end; if aFindLen > aSourceLen then begin Result := 0; exit; end;
if (StartPos = 0) or (StartPos + aFindLen >= aSourceLen) then SourceLen := aSourceLen - (aFindLen-1) else SourceLen := StartPos;
@FullMatch: mov EAX, EDI sub EAX, aSourceString inc EAX mov Result, EAX jmp @TheEnd @NextChar: dec EDI dec ECX jnz @ScaSB
mov Result,0
@TheEnd: pop EBX pop EDI pop ESI end; end;
function FastPosBackNoCase(const aSourceString, aFindString : String; const aSourceLen, aFindLen, StartPos : Integer) : Integer; var SourceLen : Integer; begin if aFindLen < 1 then begin Result := 0; exit; end; if aFindLen > aSourceLen then begin Result := 0; exit; end;
if (StartPos = 0) or (StartPos + aFindLen >= aSourceLen) then SourceLen := aSourceLen - (aFindLen-1) else SourceLen := StartPos;
asm push ESI push EDI push EBX
mov EDI, aSourceString add EDI, SourceLen Dec EDI
mov ESI, aFindString mov ECX, SourceLen
mov EDX, GUpcaseLUT xor EBX, EBX
mov Bl, [ESI] mov Al, [EDX+EBX]
@ScaSB: mov Bl, [EDI] cmp Al, [EDX+EBX] jne @NextChar
@CompareStrings: PUSH ECX mov ECX, aFindLen dec ECX jz @FullMatch
//Go back to findind the first char POP ECX Jmp @NextChar
@Matches: Dec ECX Jnz @CompareNext
@FullMatch: POP ECX
mov EAX, EDI sub EAX, aSourceString inc EAX mov Result, EAX jmp @TheEnd @NextChar: dec EDI dec ECX jnz @ScaSB
mov Result,0
@TheEnd: pop EBX pop EDI pop ESI end; end;
//My move is not as fast as MOVE when source and destination are both //DWord aligned, but certainly faster when they are not. //As we are moving characters in a string, it is not very likely at all that //both source and destination are DWord aligned, so moving bytes avoids the //cycle penality of reading/writing DWords across physical boundaries procedure FastCharMove(const Source; var Dest; Count : Integer); asm //Note: When this function is called, delphi passes the parameters as follows //ECX = Count //EAX = Const Source //EDX = Var Dest
//If no bytes to copy, just quit altogether, no point pushing registers cmp ECX,0 Je @JustQuit
//Preserve the critical delphi registers push ESI push EDI
//move Source into ESI (generally the SOURCE register) //move Dest into EDI (generally the DEST register for string commands) //This may not actually be neccessary, as I am not using MOVsb etc //I may be able just to use EAX and EDX, there may be a penalty for //not using ESI, EDI but I doubt it, this is another thing worth trying ! mov ESI, EAX mov EDI, EDX
//The following loop is the same as repNZ MovSB, but oddly quicker ! @Loop: //Get the source byte Mov AL, [ESI] //Point to next byte Inc ESI //Put it into the Dest mov [EDI], AL //Point dest to next position Inc EDI //Dec ECX to note how many we have left to copy Dec ECX //If ECX <> 0 then loop Jnz @Loop
//Another optimization note. //Many people like to do this
//Mov AL, [ESI] //Mov [EDI], Al //Inc ESI //Inc ESI
//There is a hidden problem here, I wont go into too much detail, but //the pentium can continue processing instructions while it is still //working out the desult of INC ESI or INC EDI //(almost like a multithreaded CPU) //if, however, you go to use them while they are still being calculated //the processor will stop until they are calculated (a penalty) //Therefore I alter ESI and EDI as far in advance as possible of using them
//Pop the critical Delphi registers that we have altered pop EDI pop ESI @JustQuit: end;
//Point 1 //I pass CONST aSourceString rather than just aSourceString //This is because I will just be passed a pointer to the data //rather than a 10mb copy of the data itself, much quicker ! function FastReplace(const aSourceString : String; const aFindString, aReplaceString : String; CaseSensitive : Boolean = False) : String; var PResult : PChar; PReplace : PChar; PSource : PChar; PFind : PChar; PPosition : PChar; CurrentPos, BytesUsed, lResult, lReplace, lSource, lFind : Integer; Find : TFastPosProc;
CopySize : Integer; begin LSource := Length(aSourceString); if LSource = 0 then begin Result := aSourceString; exit; end; PSource := @aSourceString[1];
LFind := Length(aFindString); if LFind = 0 then exit; PFind := @aFindString[1];
LReplace := Length(aReplaceString);
//Here we may get an Integer Overflow, or OutOfMemory, if so, we use a Delta
try if LReplace <= LFind then SetLength(Result,lSource) else SetLength(Result, (LSource *LReplace) div LFind); except SetLength(Result,0); end;
LResult := Length(Result); if LResult = 0 then begin LResult := Trunc((LSource + LReplace) * cDeltaSize); SetLength(Result, LResult); end;
PResult := @Result[1];
if CaseSensitive then Find := FastmemPos else Find := FastmemPosNC;
if LReplace > 0 then begin BytesUsed := 0; PReplace := @aReplaceString[1]; repeat PPosition := Find(PSource^,PFind^,lSource, lFind); if PPosition = nil then break;
if BytesUsed >= LResult then begin //We have run out of space CurrentPos := Integer(PResult) - Integer(@Result[1]) +1; LResult := Trunc(LResult * cDeltaSize); SetLength(Result,LResult); PResult := @Result[CurrentPos]; end;
function SmartPos(const SearchStr,SourceStr : String; const CaseSensitive : Boolean = TRUE; const StartPos : Integer = 1; const ForwardSearch : Boolean = TRUE) : Integer; begin // NOTE: When using StartPos, the returned value is absolute! if (CaseSensitive) then if (ForwardSearch) then Result:= FastPos(SourceStr,SearchStr,Length(SourceStr),Length(SearchStr),StartPos) else Result:= FastPosBack(SourceStr,SearchStr,Length(SourceStr),Length(SearchStr),StartPos) else if (ForwardSearch) then Result:= FastPosNoCase(SourceStr,SearchStr,Length(SourceStr),Length(SearchStr),StartPos) else Result:= FastPosBackNoCase(SourceStr,SearchStr,Length(SourceStr),Length(SearchStr),StartPos) end;
var I: Integer;
const cKey1 = 52845; cKey2 = 22719;
function StripHTMLorNonHTML(S : String; WantHTML : Boolean) : String; forward;
//Encrypt a string function Encrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(result,length(s)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (byte(Result[I]) + Key) * cKey1 + cKey2; end; end;
//Return only the HTML of a string function ExtractHTML(S : String) : String; begin Result := StripHTMLorNonHTML(S,True); end;
function CopyStr(const aSourceString : String; aStart, aLength : Integer) : String; var L: Integer; begin L := Length(aSourceString); if L=0 then exit;
if aStart + (aLength-1) > L then aLength := L - (aStart-1);
//Take all HTML out of a string function ExtractNonHTML(S : String) : String; begin Result := StripHTMLorNonHTML(S,False); end;
//Decrypt a string encoded with Encrypt function Decrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(result,length(s)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (byte(S[I]) + Key) * cKey1 + cKey2; end; end;
//GetValue("age","name=pete password=pete age=27") would return 27 function GetValue(ValueName, Text : String) : String; var S : String; L, X, P : Integer; FoundEquals, WordStarted, InQuote : Boolean; begin Result := '; S := UpperCase(Text); P := Pos(UpperCase(ValueName),S); if P = 0 then exit;
for X := 1 to L do if Text[X] = '=' then begin FoundEquals := True; P := X; Break; end;
if not FoundEquals then exit;
for X := P +1 to L do if Text[X] <> ' ' then begin WordStarted := True; P := X; Break; end;
if not WordStarted then exit;
if Text[X] in ['"', ''] then begin InQuote := True; Inc(P); end;
for X:= P to L do begin if InQuote then begin if Text[X] in ['"', ''] then Break else Result := Result + Text[X]; end else begin if UpCase(Text[X]) in ['A'..'Z','0'..'9','\','/','.','-','_',':'] then Result := Result + Text[X] else Break; end; end; end;
//Convert a text-HEX value (FF0088 for example) to an integer function HexToInt(aHex : String) : int64; var Multiplier : Int64; Position : Byte; Value : Integer; begin Result := 0; Multiplier := 1; Position := Length(aHex); while Position >0 do begin Value := FastCharPosNoCase(cHexChars, aHex[Position], 1)-1; if Value = -1 then raise Exception.Create('Invalid hex character ' + aHex[Position]);
Result := Result + (Value * Multiplier); Multiplier := Multiplier * 16; Dec(Position); end; end;
//Get the left X amount of chars function LeftStr(const aSourceString : String; Size : Integer) : String; begin if Size > Length(aSourceString) then Result := aSourceString else begin SetLength(Result, Size); Move(aSourceString[1],Result[1],Size); end; end;
//Do strings match with wildcards, eg //StringMatches('The cat sat on the mat', 'The * sat * the *') = True function StringMatches(Value, Pattern : String) : Boolean; var NextPos, Star1, Star2 : Integer; NextPattern : String; begin Star1 := FastCharPos(Pattern,'*',1); if Star1 = 0 then Result := (Value = Pattern) else begin Result := (Copy(Value,1,Star1-1) = Copy(Pattern,1,Star1-1)); if Result then begin if Star1 > 1 then Value := Copy(Value,Star1,Length(Value)); Pattern := Copy(Pattern,Star1+1,Length(Pattern));
NextPattern := Pattern; Star2 := FastCharPos(NextPattern, '*',1); if Star2 > 0 then NextPattern := Copy(NextPattern,1,Star2-1);
NextPos := pos(NextPattern,Value); if (NextPos = 0) and not (NextPattern = ') then Result := False else begin Value := Copy(Value,NextPos,Length(Value)); if Pattern = ' then Result := True else Result := Result and StringMatches(Value,Pattern); end; end; end; end;
//Missing text will tell you what text is missing, eg //MissingText('the ? sat on the mat','the cat sat on the mat','?') = 'cat' function MissingText(Pattern, Source : String; SearchText : String = '?') : String; var Position : Longint; BeforeText, AfterText : String; BeforePos, AfterPos : Integer; lSearchText, lBeforeText, lAfterText, lSource : Longint; begin Result := '; Position := Pos(SearchText,Pattern); if Position = 0 then exit;
AfterPos := lBeforeText; repeat AfterPos := FastPosNoCase(Source,AfterText,lSource,lAfterText,AfterPos+lSearchText); if AfterPos > 0 then begin BeforePos := FastPosBackNoCase(Source,BeforeText,AfterPos-1,lBeforeText,AfterPos - (lBeforeText-1)); if (BeforePos > 0) then begin Result := Copy(Source,BeforePos + lBeforeText, AfterPos - (BeforePos + lBeforeText)); Break; end; end; until AfterPos = 0; end;
//Generates a random filename but preserves the original path + extension function RandomFilename(aFilename : String) : String; var Path, Filename, Ext : String; begin Result := aFilename; Path := ExtractFilepath(aFilename); Ext := ExtractFileExt(aFilename); Filename := ExtractFilename(aFilename); if Length(Ext) > 0 then Filename := Copy(Filename,1,Length(Filename)-Length(Ext)); repeat Result := Path + RandomStr(32) + Ext; until not FileExists(Result); end;
//Makes a string of aLength filled with random characters function RandomStr(aLength : Longint) : String; var X : Longint; begin if aLength <= 0 then exit; SetLength(Result, aLength); for X:=1 to aLength do Result[X] := Chr(Random(26) + 65); end;
function ReverseStr(const aSourceString : String) : String; var L : Integer; S, D : Pointer; begin L := Length(aSourceString); SetLength(Result,L); if L = 0 then exit;
S := @aSourceString[1]; D := @Result[L];
asm push ESI push EDI
mov ECX, L mov ESI, S mov EDI, D
@Loop: mov Al, [ESI] inc ESI mov [EDI], Al dec EDI dec ECX jnz @Loop
pop EDI pop ESI end; end;
//Returns X amount of chars from the right of a string function RightStr(const aSourceString : String; Size : Integer) : String; begin if Size > Length(aSourceString) then Result := aSourceString else begin SetLength(Result, Size); FastCharMove(aSourceString[Length(aSourceString)-(Size-1)],Result[1],Size); end; end;
//Converts a typical HTML RRGGBB color to a TColor function RGBToColor(aRGB : String) : TColor; begin if Length(aRGB) < 6 then raise EConvertError.Create('Not a valid RGB value'); if aRGB[1] = '#' then aRGB := Copy(aRGB,2,Length(aRGB)); if Length(aRGB) <> 6 then raise EConvertError.Create('Not a valid RGB value');
Result := HexToInt(aRGB); asm mov EAX, Result BSwap EAX shr EAX, 8 mov Result, EAX end; end;
//Splits a delimited text line into TStrings (does not account for stuff in quotes but it should) procedure Split(aValue : String; aDelimiter : Char; Result : TStrings); var X : Integer; S : String; begin if Result = nil then Result := TStringList.Create; Result.Clear; S := '; for X:=1 to Length(aValue) do begin if aValue[X] <> aDelimiter then S:=S + aValue[X] else begin Result.Add(S); S := '; end; end; if S <> ' then Result.Add(S); end;
//counts how many times a substring exists within a string //StringCount('XXXXX','XX') would return 2 function StringCount(const aSourceString, aFindString : String; Const CaseSensitive : Boolean = TRUE) : Integer; var Find, Source, NextPos : PChar; LSource, LFind : Integer; Next : TFastPosProc; begin Result := 0; LSource := Length(aSourceString); if LSource = 0 then exit;
LFind := Length(aFindString); if LFind = 0 then exit;
if CaseSensitive then Next := FastmemPos else Next := FastmemPosNC;
repeat NextPos := Next(Source^,Find^,LSource,LFind); if NextPos <> nil then begin Dec(LSource, (NextPos - Source) + LFind); Inc(Result); Source := NextPos + LFind; end; until NextPos = nil; end;
//Used by ExtractHTML and ExtractNonHTML function StripHTMLorNonHTML(S : String; WantHTML : Boolean) : String; var X, TagCnt : Integer; begin S := StringReplace(S,' ',' ',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); S := StringReplace(S,'&','&', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); S := StringReplace(S,'<','<', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); S := StringReplace(S,'>','>', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); s := StringReplace(S,'"','"', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); TagCnt := 0; Result := '; For X:=1 to Length(S) do begin case S[X] of '<' : Inc(TagCnt); '>' : Dec(TagCnt); else case WantHTML of False : if TagCnt <= 0 then begin Result := Result + S[X]; TagCnt := 0; end; True : if TagCnt >= 1 then begin Result := Result + S[X]; end else if TagCnt < 0 then TagCnt := 0; end; end; end; end;
//Generates a UniqueFilename, makes sure the file does not exist before returning a result function UniqueFilename(aFilename : String) : String; var Path, Filename, Ext : String; Index : Integer; begin Result := aFilename; if FileExists(aFilename) then begin Path := ExtractFilepath(aFilename); Ext := ExtractFileExt(aFilename); Filename := ExtractFilename(aFilename); if Length(Ext) > 0 then Filename := Copy(Filename,1,Length(Filename)-Length(Ext)); Index := 2; repeat Result := Path + Filename + IntToStr(Index) + Ext; Inc(Index); until not FileExists(Result); end; end;
//Decodes all that %3c stuff you get in a URL function URLToText(aValue : String) : String; var X : Integer; begin Result := '; X := 1; while X <= Length(aValue) do begin if aValue[X] <> '%' then Result := Result + aValue[X] else begin Result := Result + Chr( HexToInt( Copy(aValue,X+1,2) ) ); Inc(X,2); end; Inc(X); end; end;
//Returns the whole word at a position function WordAt(Text : String; Position : Integer) : String; var L, X : Integer; begin Result := '; L := Length(Text);
for X:=Position to L do begin if Upcase(Text[X]) in ['A'..'Z','0'..'9'] then Result := Result + Text[X] else Break; end;
for X:=Position-1 downto 1 do begin if Upcase(Text[X]) in ['A'..'Z','0'..'9'] then Result := Text[X] + Result else Break; end; end;
function slash(value:string):string; begin if (value[length(value)]<>'\') then result:=value+'\' else result:=value; end;
function capfirst(value:string):string; var i:integer; s:string; begin s:=uppercase(value[1]); for i:=2 to length(value) do if (ord(value[i-1])<33) then s:=s+uppercase(value[i]) else s:=s+lowercase(value[i]); result:=s; end;
function striptags(value:string):string; var i:integer; s:string; begin i:=1; s:='; while i<=length(value) do begin if value[i]='<' then repeat inc(i) until (value[i]='>') else s:=s+value[i]; inc(i); end; result:=s; end;
function replace(str,s1,s2:string;casesensitive:boolean):string; var i:integer; s,t:string; begin s:='; t:=str; repeat if casesensitive then i:=pos(s1,t) else i:=pos(lowercase(s1),lowercase(t)); if i>0 then begin s:=s+Copy(t,1,i-1)+s2; t:=Copy(t,i+Length(s1),MaxInt); end else s:=s+t; until i<=0; result:=s; end;
function CopyFromChar(s:string;c:char;l:integer):string; var i:integer; begin i:=pos(c,s); result:=copy(s,i,l); end;
function getwinsysdir:string; var p:pchar; z:integer; begin z:=255; getmem(p,z); getsystemdirectory(p,z); result:=slash(string(p)); freemem(p,z); end;
function getwindir:string; var p:pchar; z:integer; begin z:=255; getmem(p,z); getwindowsdirectory(p,z); result:=slash(string(p)); freemem(p,z); end;
function getinstalldir:string; begin result:=slash(extractfiledir(paramstr(0))); end;
function getregvalue(root:integer;key,value:string):string; var rg:Tregistry; begin rg:=Tregistry.create; try rg.rootkey:=root; if rg.OpenKey(key,false) then result:=rg.readString(value) else result:='; finally; end; end;
function getfiledate(filename:string):Tdatetime; begin if fileexists(filename) then result:=filedatetodatetime(fileage(filename)) else result:=maxint; end;
function strtofloatdef(const s:string;def:Extended):Extended; begin try result:=strtofloat(s); except result:=def; end; end;
function volsphere(radius:single):extended; begin result:=((4/3)*pi*radius*radius*radius); end;
function areasphere(radius:single):extended; begin result:=(4*pi*radius*radius); end;
function volcylinder(radius,height:single):extended; begin result:=(pi*radius*radius*height); end;
function areacylinder(radius,height:single):extended; begin result:=(2*pi*radius*height); end;
function MinExt(const A:array of Extended):Extended; var i:integer; begin Result:=A[Low(A)]; for i:=Low(A)+1 to High(A) do if A[i]<Result then Result:=A[I]; end;
function MaxExt(const A:array of Extended):Extended; var i:integer; begin Result:=A[Low(A)]; for i:=Low(A)+1 to High(A) do if A[i]>Result then Result:=A[I]; end;
function MinInteger(const A:array of Integer):Integer; var i:integer; begin Result:=A[Low(A)]; for i:=Low(A)+1 to High(A) do if A[i]<Result then Result:=A[I]; end;
function MaxInteger(const A:array of integer):Integer; var i:integer; begin Result:=A[Low(A)]; for i:=Low(A)+1 to High(A) do if A[i]>Result then Result:=A[I]; end;
function InverseSum(const a:array of single):single; var i:integer; begin result:=0; for i:=low(a) to high(a) do result:=result+(1/a[i]); result:=(1/result); end;
function MarkUp(profit:single):single; begin result:=(100-(10000/(100+profit))); end;
function SellingPrice(net:double;markup:single):double; begin result:=net+(net*markup/100); end;
function NetPrice(gross:double;taxrate:single):double; begin result:=gross-(gross*(taxrate)/(100+taxrate)); end;
//////////新的字符串涵 数收集////////// //////////得到系统路径////////// Function GetApplicationExeName: string; begin Result := ParamStr(0); end;
Function GetApplicationShortExeName: string; begin Result :=ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)); end;
Function GetWindowsDir: string; //c:\winnt var vBuffer: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin GetWindowsDirectory(vBuffer,MAX_PATH); Result :=vBuffer; end;
Function GetSystemDir: string; //c:\winnt\system32 var vBuffer: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin GetSysTemDirectory(vBuffer,MAX_PATH); Result :=vBuffer; end;
Function GetTempDir: string; //应用程序的路径 如D:/winnt/temp var vBuffer: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin GetTempPath(MAX_PATH,vBuffer); Result :=vBuffer; end;
Function GetApplicationPath:String; //应用程序的路径 如D:/feng/ begin Result:=ExtractFilePath(GetApplicationExeName); end;
Function GetApplicationDir:String; //应用程序的路径 如D:/feng begin Result:=ExtractFileDir(GetApplicationExeName); end;
Function GetCurrentDir: string; //应用程序的路径 如D:/feng var vBuffer: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH,vBuffer); Result :=vBuffer; end;
//程序组目录 function GetProgramsDir: string; begin Result:=GetSystemFolderDir(CSIDL_PROGRAMS); end;
//我的文档 //如C:\My Documents function GetMy_DocumentsDir: string; begin Result:=GetSystemFolderDir(CSIDL_PERSONAL); end;
function GetFavoritesDir: string; begin Result:=GetSystemFolderDir(CSIDL_FAVORITES); end;